We rely on trucks and commercial vehicles for many vital functions. Tractor-trailers, semis, 18-wheelers, buses, delivery vans, tow trucks, construction vehicles and other large commercial vehicles provide valuable services. Unfortunately, they also have the potential to cause extensive damage.

The size and weight of trucks and the unpredictability of their loads put truck accident victims at particular risk for serious and possibly fatal injuries. Catastrophic head and back injuries are not uncommon. Victims often need extended medical care and rehabilitation, and lost income is significant. They are also are at great risk for disability. Fatalities are all too common.

Truck accidents are also particularly complicated in terms of causes and questions of responsibility. The physics of what happens when a truck crashes, and what happens to its load, can be confusing.

These cases are complicated, medically and legally. Having qualified, experienced lawyers help you is vital.

Accidents Involving Trucks And Commercial Vehicles

There are many causes for truck and other commercial vehicle accidents. Among the more common are:

  • Driver error
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Poor maintenance of the vehicle
  • Driver fatigue
  • Poor loading
  • Poor driver training

Figuring out who is responsible may be difficult, and there may be a combination of parties at fault, including the driver, maintenance personnel, management of the company, or even the truck and commercial vehicle manufacturers.

There may also be issues of jurisdiction, if the company or other responsible party is not based in Ontario, or the rules and regulations it follows for maintenance, scheduling and training are different from those of Ontario. There may even be criminal issues if there has been falsification of records for driver hours or maintenance.